A gift for my love Mahdi
A gift to the Imam
The believer can perform a special prayer as a gift to that Imam or other Imams (as) and there is no limit, time and number for this prayer and in fact the believer can offer this gift to his beloved according to his love and ability. Abu Muhammad Samiri says: Abu Abdullah Ahmad ibn Abdullah Bajli narrated to us in a document that is connected to the Imams (as), who said: May God increase the reward of his prayer so much that he will be cut off from counting that soul, and before his soul is removed from his body, he will be told: So-and-so! Your gift has reached us, so today is the reward and retribution of your good deeds. May your heart be happy and your eyes be enlightened by what God has provided for you, and may He be pleased with what you have achieved. ”It is also stated that a believer pays part of his wealth to the Imam of his time. May God grant and continue this action every year, and in this action, the honorable, the rich and the poor, the humble and the honorable, and the man and the woman are the same, except that the rich are obliged to the best of their ability and the poor are obliged to the best of their ability. : "There is no god but He, the Exalted in Might, the Wise." God does not oblige anyone except to the best of his ability. »
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